Squadron Committees
We are always looking for people who love sailing and water sports and want to help make the club a better place for all of us to enjoy!
The Squadron is a volunteer based club.
The work of the club occurs within the many volunteer based committees.
Race Committee
Work with the Regatta Director, Vice Commodore, Sailing Director, and Fleet Captains in overseeing on the water activities.
Safety Committee
Establish procedures for safe operations and checklists for use of Squadron facilities and equipment by the members and guests. Work with education committee to ensure those procedures are widely known and disseminated to the members
standing rules committee
Work with the Secretary to maintain and periodically update the Standing rules, Bylaws and Articles of incorporation as deemed necessary. Additionally, ensure that these documents are periodically reviewed for continuity, relevance, and compliance with federal, state and city laws, statutes, and regulations.
Cruising committee
Organize and calendar social events for the cruisers.
Education Committee
Oversees the large amount of educational activities at the squadron, including but not limited to sailing instruction, racing instruction, safety education, powerboat instruction, race organization and on the water management.
Entertainment Committee
Oversight of all social activities not related to the race committee or education committee. Ensure there are ample events for all of our members to enjoy the club.
Join a Committee
Cruise committee
Powerboat Committee
Ensure that the powerboats owned by the Squadron are in good working order and have all necessary equipment on board to meet Coast Guard standards. Additionally, report any known maintenance needs and ensure they are fixed.
Steering committee
Work with Rear Commodore and the Treasurer to annually review and update the Squadron’s long-term plan and capital improvements plan/requirements. Additionally, work with manager and Commodore to ensure a strong and favorable relationship with the city and the community, including lease management.
Electtion Committee
Assist the Election Judge to ensure all members voting are members in good standing. Assist the Election Judge in an accurate count of all eligible votes.
Refer to our Standing Rules for a description of each of these committees - CLICK HERE
Other committees may be created and dissolved by the Commodore at the Commodores pleasure. Those committees typically serve a specific purpose and may exist for a specified period.