The Luffing Lassies
Check out the Lassie's new website!

Want to become a Luffing Lassie ?
You must become a member of the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. All active Luffing Lassies are members of the Sarasota Sailing Squadron.
Want to become a Lassie, but have no sailing experience?
All interested women are encouraged to participate in the Introduction To Sailing (ITS) Program in the fall before joining the Luffing Lassies. ITS will teach you to sail or serve as a valuable refresher course. It is a great opportunity to make new friends and bond with others who share the joy of sailing.
Want to become a Lassie and have sailing experience?
If you have a Sunfish, you can join the Luffing Lassies provided you are able to sail and race that Sunfish by demonstrating basic sailing knowledge to the Sunfish Captain (or her designee).
If you don't have a Sunfish, you can rent one from the Luffing Lassies training fleet subject to availability (ITS has first priority).
New to sailing but cannot participate in the Fall ITS Program ?
We understand that the ITS Program may not fit your schedule. As an alternative, the Sarasota Sailing Squadron offers sailing lessons to the general public year-round.